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Divine Potential

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This human experience is a journey of the soul.  Your soul wants to express itself in its greatest fulfilment.  You are given free will and so you must choose where your consciousness lies.  Here at 'Beyond the Matrix' your conscious awareness is taken on a journey through your human experience in connection to your Higher Self, the you that expresses through your divine potential.

This journey requires every day practice to show up to yourself.  Embodiment of this divine potential through you requires deep surrender of the programming that makes you feel small, unloved, unworthy, limited.  The choice to let go of this attachment to suffering is huge and powerful beyond measure as is the choice to continue to step into the light of your Higher Self.  There is nothing more important at this time in history.


'Beyond the Matrix' holds the space for you to have the courage to meet all aspects of self with unconditional love and compassion, one step at a time.  Letting go of your grip to what you have known takes practice, guidance and support.  Allowing new pathways to be born from your Higher Self comes from a space of invitation and allowing.  


You have free will and your Divine Self will not interfere unless asked to do so.  Learning to build that relationship takes practice.  'Beyond the Matrix' helps you to find the doorways of further expansion through you with encouragement and reminders to ask at every opportunity for divine solutions to be born through you.  Through feelings of limitation, lack, self-hatred, trauma, pain, darkness etc... is born expansion and true sovereignty.  Discover that these feelings are the signposts to invite you to more light, love, healing and compassion, deeply transforming you every step of the way.

The most powerful path of transformation is through you.  You do need to show up.  You do need to be willing to let go and choose differently.  With conscious awareness of self beyond your supposed limitations you can transform every facet of your life.  There is no greater gift you can give yourself and others at this time.  I invite you to take a leap of faith, start a journey of transformation, willingly embodying and experiencing new realities more aligned to the truth of your divine nature along the way. 


With love, Nicola. 


"Embodiment of your divine nature.  This is the new paradigm.  You have everything you need.  Being conscious of the divine presence within you is powerful.  to begin operating as this, at One with you...stepping into the knowing of who you really are."

- Nicola Cunha


                         Offering by  

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Alchemy of Consciousness Sessions
Learning to open to receive more of your Divine Potential


Working with your consciousness and a combination of shamanic principles, Divine Feminine Consciousness and a quantum physics based modality called Matrix Energetics®, the intention will always be... to clear the way for you to access more of your Divine potential.  

There is information in your field.  Accessing this information and planting due intention and healing is the key to these sessions.  This healing comes from your willingness to open to receive from your Higher Self that is born from God Consciousness, Source Consciousness, whatever you want to call it, that which is unlimited.  There is nothing more powerful to you than to learn how to access this within yourself.

To learn to let go of the identity that holds you to certain beliefs, suffering, victimhood, emotional pain etc…. is transformational.  That is not to say that all these are not valid in the human experience but to change the perspective towards them.  Instead of a focus on the pain and darkness say, there can be a switch in that place to now invite healing and light. It sounds easy enough, however, it does take practice.

There is not a whole lot of focusing on the issues but recognizing that there is always a choice of how you will now show up to those places within you.  You do not have to work it all out, carry all of it on your back, hide in the darkness.  There is such empowerment in being able to approach each facet of you that is showing up in the moment with a renewed spiritual maturity in which you get to co-create something different.  You get to choose a different path.

These sessions are to assist your healing and open your awareness to how you can show up to the opportunities in your everyday life, inviting you into more love, healing, expansion and joy.  In each moment we can inform our awareness from the perspective of our Higher Self, clearing space of our divine nature to be the informer of the ever present now, engaging in life through the unlimited space of your soul.   This work is deep, personal and transformational.  The space held for you is safe, loving, warm, and always to your highest good. The invitation is sent, you will know if the time is right for you. 



Single session (1.25 hour via Zoom): $100

8 session Package (x 8 1.25 hour sessions via Zoom):

1 x $640  or 6 x $110



“My spiritual journey started with Nicola Cunha, a divine and powerful lightworker, who intervened into a very dark and suffering time in my life.  I was suffering severely from insomnia and needed the right help.

In our first session, I was instantly drawn to the way in which she explained what she does and the knowledge she has on consciousness. Straight away my awareness of reality expanded and I looked at life through a different lens, I also had my first good night’s sleep in over 6 months.

Nicola’s approach to healing and soul transformation is very personal, in that she will connect you to your true Higher Self, unearthing any wounds you carry that are holding you down.  It is very angelic, throughout our sessions the amount of love and light that is flowing through me is so uplifting and healing and is also very affectionate and friendly.  I feel that I have known Nicola my whole life, she is so easy to talk to and is very humorous.  It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is you can send her a text or ask for a phone call and she will reply.

The Quantum Healing that Nicola does helped me get through nursing my mother, who was dying from a terminal illness.  Without Nicola by my side, I would have crumbled.  After my mum passed, the work I did with Nicola was more than healing, it propelled me into my soul’s divine purpose, completely changing my life once again.  Nicola guided me through my first powerful spiritual breakthrough/awakening.

I am eternally grateful I met Nicola.  I am only young, 20 years old, so there is no telling where this path will take me, though to her, I am thankful for it.”

 - Luke B.

“Nicola is a very powerful and extremely gifted healer, she is also kind, warm, loving, funny and very professional.  I have had the pleasure of working with Nicola over the last 3 years.  Nicola's sessions have helped me to find my true self and restore balance to my often messy, crazy world.  She has helped me to work through many blockages physical, mental and emotional. 

I am very grateful to Nicola for the amazing, positive changes and understanding that have followed from our sessions.  My sessions with Nicola have not only helped me but also my relationship with my partner and my children.  They have helped me understand how it is to live from your heart space and to love myself as I am.  Also to experience my emotions fully as well as allow others to experience theirs without trying to fix them or change them.

I am so grateful for my time working with Nicola.   It has been so deeply insightful and magically transformative.  Thank you so very much.  xxxx "

- Becc

"When I first started with Nicola I didn’t really know what I was looking for but right after my very first session with her I was thrilled about the energy which was flowing. Shortly after I started my 10 week program with her, a combination of sessions and zoom calls where she teaches me how to use and practice her method in my daily life. From there on my life changed a lot! I can handle any type of stress/conflicts/ emotions etc different and better. Especially the sessions are magical, if I wouldn’t have witnessed what happens in this 1.25 h, I wouldn’t believe it! The way she opens up my blockade and helps to loosen my patterns is just amazing. The tiredness I feel in my body sometimes after I talked to her shows how much energy is flowing and really amazes me every time. Nicola has such a beautiful personality and I just love her energy.  She always takes her time to answer messages/calls whenever I am in need of an advice or reminder. Her flexibility when it comes to the appointments makes it really easy to fit the course into any kind of work schedule.

I highly recommend to meet Nicola and start the journey with her to work on your own life quality."

- Trine


More information about the sessions

  • If you would prefer to converse with me before you commit to a session...please feel free.  I will do my best to contact you as soon as possible.  Mobile: +61411612195 or email:

  • To book a session I would prefer that you contact me directly as above or in the Get in Touch section below.  With ever-changing life I find it easier to co-ordinate with different time zones if we have direct contact to find a time that suits us both.

  • Please provide me with your email address after the initial booking.  It is required so I can send you a 'Client Informed Consent and Agreements for Services' form to sign before the commencement of the session.  A signed copy of the form must be returned before commencement of the first session.

  • Cleared payment must be organised before the first session commences.  If you commit to a package a payment plan can be arranged upon request. 

  • At the time arranged, connect via Zoom meeting invite that will be sent to your email.

  • In this Zoom meeting we will discuss your intentions for the session and I will conduct a 60 minute session while sitting in a quiet space with no interruptions. 

  • You will have an opportunity also to share your experience and ask any questions you may have.


“Nicola is a very powerful and extremely gifted healer, she is also kind, warm, loving, funny and very professional.  I have had the pleasure of working with Nicola over the last 3 years.  Nicola's sessions have helped me to find my true self and restore balance to my often messy, crazy world.  She has helped me to work through many blockages physical, mental and emotional. 

I am very grateful to Nicola for the amazing, positive changes and understanding that have followed from our sessions.  My sessions with Nicola have not only helped me but also my relationaship with my partner and my children.  They have helped me understand how it is to live from your heart space and to love myself as I am.  Also to experience my emotionas fully as well as allow others to experience theirs without trying to fix them or change them.

I am so grateful for my time working with Nicola.   It has been so deeply insightful and magically transformative.  Thank you so very much.  xxxx "




Nicola Cunha

Mob: +61 411 612 195

Noosaville, Qld

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